Learn…and Move On

I originally intended to blog only the diary entries of my protagonist. She has so much of my past in her story though, and this post resonates with the purpose of her creation in my writing. Learn. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course, with human err, we will have our periods of more or less. We may completely avoid memories and repeat the same mistakes. We may wish to change them and miss the life around us. As long as we have the goal in sight and come back to that safe middle ground of learning, we can recall experiences & use them as tools for what we work on today.

I’m on location shooting a film this week, so my posts will be short but (hopefully) sweet. Thought for the Week If we are wise (and if we are not, …

Learn…and Move On

Published by Heidi Swarr

I’m an accounting clerk balancing more than debits and credits. My children are growing up, so I have taken my writing projects as my babies.

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